Adaptive resistance exercise with ARX is what allows us to provide you with the most effective workout of your life in as little as 20 minutes a week.
ARX technology combines computer-controlled, motorized resistance that is capable of matching the force of any user 100% of the time. This gives you the perfect rep, every rep. With perfect resistance, ARX shortens the time you need to exercise while dramatically increasing the safety and effectiveness of all of your workouts.
It is the first technology created that perfectly accommodates any user’s force output and measure it repeatably and accurately throughout the entire range of motion. Throw in some tracking software for motivation, while quantifying all of the important metrics, and you have ARX - the next generation in exercise equipment!
Instead of using weights as a means of resistance, ARX uses finely-tuned motors to provide what is called “adaptive resistance;” resistance applied to the user only in response to their own effort. Physical effort against resistance is the first step or “active ingredient” in all exercise, and its downstream effects give us all the health benefits we know and love from training.
ARX provides safe, controlled, immediate, infinite, and quantifiable resistance that is of a higher quality than is currently possible with the out-dated, gravity-based systems found in gyms worldwide.
It sounds completely fake, right? Get stronger and healthier in one or two 10-20 minute sessions a week? Like, really? Seriously? That sounds like some cheap magazine gimmick.
The answer is yes, really. You can’t understand until you try it out though, so….
No gimmicks, no tricks. Just precise, quantifiable fitness. We can PROVE to you that it works.
Only at The Studio Downtown!
1801 5th Ave N, Birmingham, AL 35203
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